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TISH MORRIS | The Awe of Feng Shui

This was a really important discussion for me. I think so often people just have no idea what Feng Shui is about actually about, or what it’s understanding could do in our lives. It’s not just about how you arrange the furniture. It’s about how we, as planetary beings, learn to live in balance and harmony with nature.

I wouldn’t call Tisha a Feng Shui expert. I would call her an ambassador. A messenger with a profound understanding of our universe and how we can thrive within it.

I hope you get as much enjoyment out of this discussion as I did.


Tisha Morris is the best-selling author of Decorating With the Five Elements of Feng Shui (Llewellyn 2015), Mind Body Home: Transform Your Life One Room at a Time (Llewellyn 2012), Feng Shui Your Life: The Quick Guide to Decluttering Your Home and Renewing Your Life (Turner Publishing 2010). Prior to entering the healing arts, Tisha practiced law and obtained a Fine Arts degree in Interior Design. She is a certified feng shui consultant, life coach, energy healer, and yoga instructor. Tisha works one-on-one with clients’ homes and business and is the founder of Earth Home School of Feng Shui. For more information, visit Tisha at


  • The term “Feng Shui” actually translates to “wind and water”. It’s used this way because of how the wind and water shape the land. It was originally used for locating proper burial or auspicious sites for royalty.
  • The history of Feng Shui was only recorded orally, never in written form.
  • Fung Shui comes from Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is actually feng shui for the body. It’s a balancing of the five elements. In turn, Feng Shui is actually Acupuncture for the home.
  • Feng Shui is about learning to live in harmony with nature, as a planetary being.
  • Feng Shui begins with the land. It starts with the history and energy of the land, which will affect us as we experience that space. It’s so important to be conscious of your space and its influence on you.
  • When you’re in a transition of some type, you’re sort of off the hook in terms of the Feng Shui of the space you’re in. However, it still has an influence on your energy, so be intentional about it.
  • Connection with nature allows us to instill balance in our lives. It aligns us with an element of the source of life itself.
  • You never want a mirror next to your bed. It’s said to allow third party entities to enter into your psyche.
  • The understanding of Feng Shui can help us see our blind spots, our shadows and our potential alignment with nature, humanity, and Spirit.
  • Physical clutter and emotional clutter are not so different and are often intertwined.
  • We are connected to the spaces we spend time in. Those spaces influence our energy and perspectives. We should be just as mindful.
  • For me (Jared), Feng Shui has opened up a whole new lens and language for understanding the world. It’s become a source of awe in my life.


If you’re not conscious of your space, what are you conscious of? There are only a few things in this world that we have control over; our mind, our body, and our home.



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